The Group'ish

The Group'ish

Monday, February 1, 2010

Week 4


First of all, you must capture a process in ten digital photos; I chose planting a flower. After opening photo shop, you must upload each individual photo, choosing the exact pixels you want shown. Afterwards, file transform each layer to the appropriate size. Then move around the images in order because you only have a 17x11 paper.


To visually show the ten steps in how to plant a flower, starting from step one all the way to step ten.


I laid the ten steps in a particular way, around the top I used steps one through five, making them a little smaller than the original. Than around the right handed side, i used step six through nine. In the left over area I used, I placed step 10, which was the largest picture. Your eye begins in the left and reads to the right, than downwards.

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